According to the Doctor Roger Smith, I am set to fly..
He looked at me and said
"The sky is yours"
Well this was a major relief for me.. Financially, and physically..
I am glad to have it over with, and I am ready to move forward again!
It has been a long time since I have gotten on here and written so I figured that I would post a short but sweet update!
Last week, James was able to talk me into taking an hour long ride in the cub..(yeah.. he had to try really hard to do that. ;)..) All I had to say after that flight was.."wow".

Still flying with the window down, we were able to skim some of the clear cuts on the sides of the hills, and try to spot some elk. Even though we were not successful , we still had fun flying low through the valleys and hills.
Turning back towards our home field, we followed a valley down out of the coast range that led us right down to Henry Hagg Lake. Now, I have flown over and near the lake, but I have never experienced flying or the scenery to this extent. It is such a wonderful feeling to have the warm wind blowing in, and the world slowly creeping by, as if nothing was important.

I can honestly say, that you have not experienced flying until you have flown a cub through the mountains with the windows open. If you ever have the opportunity to do it.. just do it. Trust me, you wont feel like you wasted any time or money.
Unfortunately that is all the flying I have done recently. Now that I have the insurance, and the medical however, I will be soloing soon!
Keep checking back for updates!!
Well that was the short and sweet version.. so don't ask for the long version, unless you want to sit down and hear it over dinner ;)
That't all for now!