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Hi! My name is John Dillon! This blog is dedicated to showing my love for flying.I am only starting my training right now, but I hope that through the years this blog will reflect my progress, and hopefully close with me entering a new career. I love the great out doors as well. I hope that some day i am able to combine my love for the outdoors, and my love for flying, and land in Alaska. Hopefully you will get to see that outcome on here as well. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the blog!

Blog Archive

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hello again!

James and I have been back in the air the last few weeks, but I have been so busy, that I havent had time to get back on!
  I have worked out a schedule with my boss that I can fly on tuesdays and thursdays in the mornings before I come into work. That works all well and good...except when the weather doesnt want to cooperate.
The last few flights we have been really lucky. The weather is really nice in the morning, and then gets worse as the day goes on. That was definetly the case today.But it has been great learning weather, because you have to control the airplane no matter what the weather is doing.So it is nice to have some different things thrown at me.
 Since I have been back in the air, we started with just the basics and slowly but surely worked our way up to more important things.(Landing with a slip, or short field etc)

           James has been working on getting me to memorize some emergency checklists as well..And in his own special way, he has gotten me to do so!
  We are flying along about 2500 ft or so above Banks or Apple valley, and he reaches over and pulls my throttle out to simulate an engine failure again! Well long story short, I had to scramble for my checklists and v speeds to make a good approach. I ended up aiming for the Apple Valley Airport. The previous home of the famous Ramblin' Rod. Another learning experience in this situation was when James leaned over towards me to look at my airspeed, and casually said "if it was me, I would start putting out some flaps to get us to float and slow down a bit". Well a few minutes previous, he had told me that he wasn't going to coach me any, and he was just going to let me fly in..So i replied.." Oh i think i will wait until i get over these trees". As we come around and line up on final at Apple Valley, I realized one small problem.. I was coming in a bit to high. Because  I was not intending to land, James said it was okay. BUT, if we had actually intended to land, I probably should have put the flaps out a little bit earlier.   ;)
 All in all that was a great experience.
         Later the same week, James and I went up again on a decent day .But this time the clouds were just a bit lower, and it was going to be a bit bumpy over Twin oaks..So we decided to fly over to Mcminnville to practice some landings. On the way there, James pulls out the instrument practice hood, and hands it to me..That was interesting!
   I had always mocked the idea that someone could get extremely bewildered while in instrument conditions. The possibility of getting mixed up and ending up upside down or something seemed very unlikely for a guy like me... Well..James proved me very wrong. James wanted me to try this demo to see how it really feels.
 I put the hood on, and closed my eyes. Then James told me to grip my hands together and put them in my lap as he flies the plane through a series of turns, climbs and dives. With my hands in my lap, I was to point with my thumbs which way we were flying. After a few minutes of tossing around.. I realized that it was very easy to get in a lot of trouble quickly.

I am really glad that I have had that experience as well. That is something that I will probably never forget.
 Someday I want to have all my instrument training, and this was somewhat of a reality check. Great reminder!

 This last week James also introduced me to flying at a controlled airport. So we ended up flying into Hillsboro Airport (HIO). This day I also brought my little brother Larry along for the flight. His job during all of the flying was to just take video, and enjoy a good day in the air! Both of which he did very well. I was trying to encourage my brother to get flying as well. He wants to, but is having a hard time getting moving.
Once over at HIO  we practiced some landings and flying in a pattern with other airplanes. I think the most airplanes I have ever flown around was on that day, with 4 airplanes in the pattern to land. We were flying the 172 like always, but the other airplanes were 150's from Hillsboro Aviation. Great landings on my part though.The first one was a little bit flat, but the second and third ones were pretty much spot on.
I have found that the key to landing(as James explained) is airspeed control. Once I figured that out for myself, landings became much easier for me. Also picking a spot on the runway and flying to it. That helped as well. I have been able to put it down on the centerline, or close enough  to it, and right in front of the numbers. It feels great!

 I bought a new headset as well! Today was the first day that I have gotten to use it!
 It is a David Clark H10-20. I got a great deal on it. I found it on Ebay for 180 bucks.
Good Find!

 Well it has been an incredible week! Every time I get in the air, I just love flying all the more!
  I wanted to add one final note on here:
  I have been really researching all the opportunities to fly and achieve my goal of Professional pilot. I have also been talking with different companies and organizations to find out what all they expect for their professional pilots.
 Well I received an email back from a counselor at Mission Aviation Fellowship. He has given me some great information, and some inspiration to continue flying and most likely head towards Missions flying!
 It is very encouraging to know that there are many people that need help in the world, and what i am working on, will eventually be able to help them!

 Thanks all for Taking some time to follow and read my blog! I really appreciate it!
 If you happen to read it, and like it, or have any thoughts, please click on the comment section below and leave a comment! It is good to see how many people really read this!


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Finally back!

I'm flying again!!!
 James got back a few weeks ago, but we haven't been able to fly because of weather.. 
 But today it was the most "spring" day possible!
 Well we took advantage of it! And i'm am glad we did!
We went up and started with the basics again, because 
I haven't flown in a few months.However I quickly realized that I was picking it up again pretty well!

 James decided to fly over to Mcminville Mun. for our landing practice today..Mostly because Aurora was socked in by some low fog and clouds. Getting over to Mcminville, we practiced some slow flight, stalls, steep turns, etc. Pretty much all of the basics. Then for the first landing, I was a little bit high, and pretty much forced the airplane to land.Which doesn't work. After touch down, we clean everything up, hit the power, and head up again, for another touch and go. The second landing was MUCH better, still a little bit high, but I allowed the airplane to float down. So best two out of three, I decided to try it one more time..However...the third time didn't turn out to be the charm this time.. James had to help me out, because again, I flared to high, and ended up "ballooning" up away from the runway because I had to much speed.So to correct for this, again, I attempted to force the airplane to the ground. Had James not helped me, we may not have flown away with a nose wheel!
 Well...it may not have been that bad..but it would have been a nose heavy landing for sure!
  After those three landings, we decided to head back. On our way, we passed the Newberg VOR at about 2500ft msl. This is my favorite area in all of the Portland area. I love being able to look out one wing, see mountains, look out the other, see more mountains, and see valleys on either side of bald peak.. it is just gorgeous. I will attempt to get a picture next time I am up there.
My final landing was back at the home field of twin oaks. Flew the pattern well, and ended up putting it down right on the center line. A little bit bumpy, but all in all it was a good landing I believe.

 Things I need to work on:
     1) following a flow, on the checklists, and in the cockpit
      2) Maintaining altitude and heading..
      3) V Speeds. Need to remember what the airplane is going to do and where!

I heard that this decent weather is suppose to continue through the weekend, so I have scheduled a flight with James tomorrow as well.. so I will post again tomorrow evening.

 Thanks for reading!